Server Side Includes (SSI) is a basic server-side language, which lets you include text from a given source in a web page. In the most common case, the text from a file is integrated in another, providing a site the feeling that it's dynamic. As an example, if your website features ten pages, five of them can have the content of any kind of file, such as horoscope.txt. In case you alter this text file, the new content will appear on all of the five web pages, which shall allow you to revise your site faster and easier than if you had to modify a part of all five web pages. Server Side Includes is in some cases used to incorporate the output of basic commands, scripts or functions as well - a hit counter that is displayed on the site, the current time and date or the visitor's IP address. Any webpage that utilizes SSI will need to have a particular extension - .shtml.

Server Side Includes in Shared Hosting

All the Linux shared hosting that we offer you support Server Side Includes, so you're able to include dynamic elements to any static site that you host on our cloud platform. By creating a blank .htaccess file and entering several lines of code within it, you can enable SSI for a domain or a subdomain. The file involved must be within the particular folder where you will use SSI and you will find the code in our Frequently Asked Questions section, so you do not need any coding practical experience. The 24/7 tech support team will also be in a position to help you with activating Server Side Includes if you are not confident what to do. You should furthermore remember to modify the extension of all files that are going to utilize SSI from .html to .shtml and make certain that the links on your site lead to the appropriate files.

Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you get a semi-dedicated server plan with us, it is possible to activate Server Side Includes with a couple of mouse clicks and for virtually any domain or subdomain of your choosing. We have a comprehensive Help article about the subject you could see in your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. All you need to activate Server Side Includes will be to copy a couple of lines from the article inside an .htaccess file that you should set up in the main folder of the domain/subdomain and you will be all set. You should just be sure that all of the files implementing SSI possess the correct extension i.e. .shtml, not just .html, and that the links on your site are kept up to date and point to the by now updated files.